Wednesday 11 May 2011

Looks can be deceived!!!

Yakuza tatoo...nooooooo, they kicked my back.....nooooo, they kicked me with glasses ....nooooo
I just received a massage method consisting of putting glasses in my back, heating them to make void and then applying them to my back. It's called the cupping massage therapy. It seems very painful, and it is, in some parts of the body. Three days has passed since they treat me like that and I still can feel the heat in every spot. I planned to go to the beach, since Tainan is very hot these days, but I'll wait till these spots are missing.....


  1. No hauries de permetre que et fessin aquestes coses. Eh, només és una idea...

  2. Jo vaig anar a fer-me un massatge i per alguna estranya raó al senyor massatjista se li va ocórrer pintar un Miró a la meva esquena, suposo que perquè sabia que sóc de Barcelona i em moro de calor...

  3. Sí, a Barcelona també hi ha molt de listillo abusant dels guiris.
