Friday 28 January 2011

Let's talk about WaterClosets!!!

In Taipei there is a bar called:

El anverso de la tarjeta reza lo siguiente:

"No tenemos coca-cola light, ni leche sin grasa, ni queso con poca grasa, ni tarjetas de crédito... Aquí solo tenemos buenos productos!"

Sorry, but since I paid money to a company to rebuild my bathroom in Barcelona, I'm paying more attention to bathrooms around the world. Recently, I went to a Bar in Taipei near ShiDa Night Market. It had two flats, and the bathroom was downstairs, as I went in the bathroom I was amazed to see how big it was, and I liked the decoration as well as the message written in a paper near the WC. Actually, all the decoration of the bar was excellent, and they serve cold beer, without ice cubes in it.

In this bar, they also have a drink called calimotxo, which is a very well known drink from Spain and it's made with bad red wine with coke, in Spain it is said that this is the cubata of poor people. Cubata it's an alcoholic drink as well, but made with whiskey (which is usually more expensive than  bad red wine) and coke.

As far as we are talking about Bars... I once told a friend of mine who is living in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, that in Taiwan everything is within easy reach, so if you want to buy anything or almost anything it's easy for you to find thousands of shops where you can buy it,..but if you want to go to bar, depending on where you live, it would become a little bit hard to find one. Is not a problem for me, cause I'm more used to drink tea than beer. Anyway, you can buy a beer in any 7eleven near where you live in Taiwan.

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