Monday 28 February 2011

My first taiwanese experience with The Oscars. It's not you, it's me...

After so many years, watching the Oscars in Barcelona. That means not going to sleep and watch and enjoy the show from 2 am till 8 am. Of course, that means going to work feeling as asleepy as ever. This is sacrifice but as we say in Spain: Sarna con gusto, no pica.
Well, whatever, I don't know if it was cause of the sacrifice but to me the Oscars were kind of magic. This magic has vanished. Maybe it is cause yesterday I had the opportunity to watch the Oscars at 9 am in the morning. I still felt kind of excited, but the ceremony was everything but magic. Every year, the script is more tight, and no big surprises makes one feel kind of sad and with a sensation of being treated as a fool by the Academy.

I don't know maybe it's me and not you (I mean the Oscars), that has changed since the last time.

This is today's newspapers headlines about the Oscars.

However, I want to go and watch "Black Swan" and I will never miss the speech of the King, and I will absolutely go to see the last Coen film. Coen Brothers and the great Jeff Bridges who had last year best actor Oscar it makes always a great coctel no one should ever miss.


  1. Si no teneis ley sinde taiwanesa siempre puedes usar el sereisyonkis. ;-)

  2. Seguro que no hay ley sinde por estos lares... Estos días al fin he podido conducir coche y las leyes o mejor dicho las normas de tráfico, al igual que algunos semáforos en rojo están para saltárselas...así que aunque hubiera ley sinde, no creo que la cumplieran!
